Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Story Club: Birthday Edition

I am turning the glorious number twenty four! Many things can be celebrated with this number: I match the hours in the day, Jack Bauer probably thinks I'm sexy now, and I'm one year closer to crossing schizophrenia permanently off the possibilities list!

So I'm hosting a story club because I think they're fun.
Where? My house.
When? Wednesday Augest 19th, probably around seven or so?
A theme? Whateves. My favorite part of story club is surprises.

There will be cake fer sure, and probably other foodstuffs.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Harry Potter, Lois Lane, and April

Last night my brother asked me about my novel, and he remembered my character names, and the name of the town, and silly things like that even though he hasn't read it in probably two years and it's changed immensely since then. Awwwww that gives me the warm fuzzies like nothin else. Then we talked about Harry Potter. We both agreed the movies need more Nevil Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood. I'm really going to miss him when he ships out.

Still no news from crows toes. I need a new magazine to pester with stories. I also need to write up a query now that I've got the first thirty pages clean and shiny. Well, aside from spell check. Which is always the easiest thing. Occasionally the most painful, too. But that's because I can't spell my way out of a paper bag. But neither can Lois Lane, so I'm not worried.

Dang I just realized Dane actually named the octopus in my story. Of course he remembers Mahogany! He was always better at naming things than I was. Maybe I should ask him to title all my short stories.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

In completely unrelated news

I believe I am losing my mind. I believe the people I work with are to blame. And I believe that if work does not stop looking like Tween Drama Freakoutland I will lose my better senses and destroy everything that even looks at me funny. I will destroy it with KNIVES.

This coupled with inclimate weather has kept me from writing anything aside from a bizarro world comic idea I had from a bizarro dream.